Managing Time For Entrepreneurs


Being an entrepreneur requires dedication. No wonder that most entrepreneurs feel like they don’t have enough time to accomplish their daily task. Managing time is something common even for non-entrepreneurs. Time management is said to be one of the most essential parts of successful business. However, time is limited because we only have twenty four hours a day in which we should spend it to finish business-related tasks, take care of family, catch up with friends, and more. Thus, time management seems to be more challenging than it looks. 

Entrepreneurs and time management

There are entrepreneurs who can manage their time without breaking sweat. They seem to be capable of putting it up together without any trace of stress or fatigue. Some others seem to experience more struggle in keeping up with their time that they end up looking so stress and wild. Maximizing time is not something impossible. There are ways to make the most of your time so you can increase your productivity without putting your health at risk as a person and entrepreneurs. 

Allocate time for emails

Set the time in which you take care of your emails since it is one of the most time-consuming task of your work as entrepreneurs. Writing emails and responding to your customer and clients alike can make you lost the time. Email is supposed to be a tool to help you manage your business better especially for communication. Thus, don’t make it a trouble. To do so, you can set the period of time when you read, write, and send emails each day. 


managing time for entres

Cut off unnecessary meeting. In running business, conducting a meeting is necessary but not always. Sometimes, the issue can be addressed without having a meeting. You can choose another alternative that is less time-consuming. Phone calls, video calls, or text message can do. If the meetings are not necessary and won’t effect much to your business, you can cut them off, choose another alternative to address the issue, and use the time to do other more important things. 

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Phone use

Limit your phone use. It is not a secret that everyone now is hard to be separated from their gadget especially smartphone. It is like your extended hand. However, it is also often the cause of excessive time consumption. Checking social media, picking up phone call, messaging, etc often make you forget other important tasks. Thus, it is highly recommended to limit your use of phone during your working period. Thus, you will be less distracted and focus more on your task. This way, you are more productive and able to maximize the time. 


If you are a type of person who is easily distracted, remove all distractions. Or, you can also set up shorter period of working without any distraction. For example, you can set up an alarm to let you finish your task in 30 minutes without you checking email, social media or texts. This is better than keep checking your phone every ten minutes during your work because your task won’t be finished that way.