What Influenced Bali Property Style & Concept


You might have seen the best architectural concept that made your eyes wide open. Certain list would make exceptional list for your future. But, if you consider on a holiday in Bali, you will be amaze on how property in bali influence its style and concept.

Bali property offer unique influence that you will not find elsewhere. It values the strong philosophy of Balinese Hindu and rich heritage that have been the identity of balinese people. However, the influence has remained for a long period of time and developing on many occasion.

Not to mention the laws and norms in Bali have shaped to what it is today. Balinese people rely that every blessing in their life brings a mission on making the world the better place. These belief are describe in a philosophy called Tri Hita Karana – The three causes to prosperity between human, natural environment and God.

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What bali property are mostly popular of

The Tri Hita Karana philosophy are well execute in every housing concept. This supported by the style of property in merging the building with natural material, such as thatch, wood, bamboo, brick etc. All these natural material merged and styled to enhance traditional property that mostly can be found in Bali property indonesia.

Several other aspect of the property are including good ventilation, solid foundation, spacious backyard, traditional guard wall and balinese temple. However, most aspect can easily detected in every bali property as each of them brings their own value.

Bali Property
Source: Kibarer Property

Ventilation system are usually operate for a better air circulation that enters to property. Ventilation are made in a big size between the space of roof and building walls. Thus, solid foundation is an important aspect to consider. It is believe that the solid foundation will give strength to its owner.

Spacious backyard is very identical to every balinese property. Based on the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana, one of prosperity causes is the relation between human and natural environment. With a spacious backyard and natural environment, balinese have implement the concept of Tri Hita Karana and further the understanding of relation of human, natural environment and god.

Worth to mention on the installation of traditional guard wall and balinese temple. Traditional guard wall made on natural stone and brick possesed a strong characteristic of balinese property. Meanwhile, balinese temple is a necessary to each of property as a place where the ancestor and god are honour.

The Mix of Western-Balinese 

All of these strong characteristic couldn’t separated away from balinese identity. But the philosophy and balinese characteristic can be combine with the touch of western style. It produce amazing influence in architecture, cultural and living experiences. 

The approach of western-balinese has set the trends in bali property industry. These approach also adhere to balinese norms and philosophy that remain for a long period of time. With the mature of property industry in Bali, it will boost the cycle and demand for buying property in bali. 

Bali houses for sale is always a good option whether to stay or an investment. You might consider it for a short plan or even retirement days ahead. Meanwhile bali property prices are significantly growing, the early you enter the more beneficial it become. As if live in an outstanding of balinese influence will be an opportunity of a lifetime.